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Why Acupuncture

Why Chinese Medicine?

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Ancient Wisdom with a Modern, Professional Approach 

The process of Chinese medicine involves balancing the organ energy systems of the body. Because we address patterns of disharmony at their root, acupuncture can resolve symptoms before they turn into disease and can treat or manage almost any condition that is non-emergent. In addition, we examine lifestyle, dietary, relational and environmental factors that could be inhibiting your wellbeing.  

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Ancient Wisdom with A Modern,
Professional Approach

Interested in 1:1 consulting or acupuncture? I'm currently not offering 1:1 consulting outside of my charitable practice in South India. I do have occasional availability for locums in certain locations in Canada, retreat facilitation and treatment tours. 


If you’d like to work together in this capacity, use the contact form on the Contact page. 

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